BurstNET will notify you by email at several intervals as your domain approaches its expiry date....
All of BurstNET's web hosting plans have Bandwidth Quotas, this is so we can offer a premium...
Firstly you will need to connect to your cPanel account using an FTP program. These instructions...
BurstNET uses the TransACT data centre; the facilities there meet the Australian Government...
FTP is an abbreviated term that stands for File Transfer Protocol. FTP basically allows you to...
Most of the time when a customer comes to us asking for a Linux Virtual Server to host their PHP...
BurstNET runs many different versions of PHP to cater for various requirements our clients may...
BurstNET accepts many forms of payment, including Cheque, Money Order, Visa, Mastercard, Bank...
If you have just purchased a domain name, and you wish to setup email accounts or launch a...
To transfer your domain name to BurstNET we will need your domain password or AuthCode, which...
POP stands for Post Office Protocol, which basically means mail is delivered to your mailbox on...
You access your email through any browser window anywhere in the world by going to one of the...
General Guidelines: So, how do you have a “strong” password that is easy to remember? While it...
BurstNET uses a mixture of VMware, XEN and OpenVZ over a variety of hardware platforms. Our cloud...
Bandwidth usage is all the data sent or received too or from your web hosting account. This means...
The short answer is no, there are no size limit restrictions implemented on the BurstNET...
Yes, you can upgrade any time. The accounts system will work out the pro rata and generate an...